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Ms. Bridget Vlasto « Teacher Connection / Documents / Calendar

Welcome to Mrs. Vlasto's Class


I look forward to the meeting you all at orientation on August 7th. It's going to be an amazing year!







Please check to make sure your child is completing the Cold Read passage that is assigned on Monday night and due Friday Morning. This has been a homework assignment all year. 



Weekly Skills & Concepts

Reading this week: inferencing

Spelling City: 

Math this week-place value


Social Studies: 



Behavior/AR logs

Your child's behavior/AR log will be coming home every Tuesday along with their graded work.  Please make sure that you sign the log and return it the following day. This log has great communication about your child's behavior and their progress toward their AR goals.



PI Opportunity _ Classroom Donations



Spelling:  The students can go to Spelling Practice and practice their spelling each week.   All they have to do is click on Login at the top right of screen and then enter the username and password in the section labeled Administrator/Teacher/Parent, press login, and then find their list to practice. Here is the username and password:


Other Websites:


Username: villagesschool\(skywardID)

:  Passw0rd (NOTE:  Capital P; 0 is a zero)
:  first initial of first name + first initial of last name + skyward number (example:  Ben Cousin = bc1234567890)

Username: first initial of first name + skyward number (example Ben Cousin = b1234567890)

Password: Passw0rd (NOTE: Capital "P" and the 0 is a zero)




This is a good site for practice with the standards:

Practice Math & ELA Standards

This is a good site for practice in Math Standards:

Math Standards Practice or Math Standards Practice

Math Practice Websites:                                                                                                                                   


Factors and multiples practice

Angles practice

Angles with a protractor practice 

Triangles Sort

Symmetry in Shapes Practice 

Identify Fractions Practice 

Adding Fractions With Like Denominator Practice 

Ordering Fractions Practice

Adding Fractions Practice 

Equivalent Fractions Practice

Subtracting Fractions Practice 

Rename Fractions Practice 

Multiplication Facts Practice 

Several Multiplication Games 

2-digit Multiplication Practice 

Repeated Addition & Multiplication Practice 

Customary Measurements Practice

Here is a list of books your child might be interested in:

A to Z Mysteries Series

I Survived series

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Series

The Magic Half

 Eleven Birthdays

Dragon's Egg 

Andrew Clement books (Frindle, The Report Card)

Jerry Spinelli books

Judy Blume books

 Please make sure to check binders nightly for important information, weekly assignments, and tests.  Please make sure that your child is reading every night.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me, jot a note in the planner, or email me at any time. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Please make sure I have an updated email address, where I can send you emails from time to time!    


 Thank you all for making this school year an incredible experience! Have a safe and happy summer!


Homework assignments are subject to change!



PDF documents
Tropicana Speech Graphic Organizer - Tropicana Speech Graphic Organizer
April Newsletter - April Newsletter
Class Schedule - Classs Schedule
Field Trip Notice - March Field Trip
March Newlsetter - March Newsletter
Revised School Calendar - 2017-18 Calendar
Speech Parent letter - Speech Parent letter
Timeline for Tropicana speech - Timeline for Tropicana speech

Website Accessibility

The Villages Charter School (VCS) is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to people with disabilities. If you use assistive technology and are experiencing difficulty accessing information on this site, please contact to gain access to inaccessible content or functionality of online content. To file a formal grievance under Section 504 and Title II with VCS please contact Patrick Murphy, Instructional Technology Supervisor at 352-259-2350.